Fedia cornucopiae (L.) Gaertn.
Diagnostic description:
A dichotomously branched, somewhat fleshy, hairless annual 10 to 30 cm tall. Stems become thick and swollen in fruit. Leaves about 10 cm long, spathulate or ovate to elliptical, shallowly toothed. The upper leaves are sessile. Flowers about 1.5 cm long, purple to dark red with pink markings, in dense terminal clusters; clusters usually in pairs. Corolla with a long tube, two-lipped, the upper lip two-lobed, the lower one three-lobed.
Local: Very common and widespread throughout Gibraltar, excluding urban areas.
Global: Found in the Mediterranean region, south Spain, Portugal and north Africa.
Flowers between (January) February, March, April and May.
Grows in clearings and waysides.