Scrophularia peregrina L.
Diagnostic description:
A hairless annual, with stems up to 60cm tall. Stems with four narrow wings, little-branched. Leaves opposite, on short petioles, ovate, irregularly toothed, up to 10cm long. Bracts mostly leaf-like. Flowers generally alternate, in long-stalked cymes of up to 4. Corolla dark red to reddish-brown, 5 to 8 mm long. Calyx up to 2mm long, with linear-lanceolate segments, without a membranous margin. Capsule broadly ovate, up to 7mm long. Seeds about 1mm long.
Local: Very rare in Gibraltar. Found on sandy soil within the Four Corners Estate.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region.
Flowers from March, April, May to June.
A plant of coastal areas and cultivated and waste ground.