Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
A tree up to 40 m tall, with a straight trunk; much branched. Bark deciduous, exposing a smooth, greyish underbark. Young leaves opposite, 7 to 16 cm long, amplexicaul, ovate to cordate, glaucous. Adult leaves 10 to 30 cm long, alternate, lanceolate, usually curved, green. Flowers large, creamy white, solitary; sessile or with short pedicels. Capsule top-shaped, 10 to 15 cm long, 15 to 30 mm across, hard, with four ribs, warty, covered with a blue-green bloom; cap short conical, warty, also covered with a blue-green bloom.
Local:Rare in Gibraltar where it has been planted as an ornamental in town and along roadsides in the Upper Rock.
Global: A native of Australia, it is found throughout the Mediterranean region, where it is planted for ornament and cultivated for its timber.
Flowers from (January) February, March, April, May, June to July, but sometimes outside this period.
Cultivated for its timber. It is one of the sources of oil of eucalyptus.