Lavatera arborea L.
A stocky, woody-based perennial to 1.5 m tall. Leaves on long petioles, rounded to heart-shaped in outline, 5-7 lobed and crenate-toothed, 1 to 18 cm long. Flowers 4 cm to 5 cm across, in axillary clusters of 2 to 7. Petals pink to violet, with darker veins and throat. Epicalyx with 3 ovate segments, larger than the sepals and joined at the base; becomes considerably enlarged in fruit. Calyx with 5 triangular lobes; much smaller than the epicalyx. Fruit of 6 to 8 generally hairless, smooth or lightly ribbed, sharp-angled nutlets arranged in a ring.
Local: Common in Gibraltar. Found scattered along the East Side but mainly throughout Europa and Windmill Hill Flats
Global: Found throughout western and Mediterranean Europe, north-west Africa and the Canary Islands. Sometimes cultivated as an ornamental plant.
Flowers from (February) March, April, May to June.
Grows in coastal areas.