Euphorbia exigua L.
A small, hairless, somewhat glaucous annual. Stems erect, simple or branched from the base, from 4 to 20 cm tall. Leaves rather dense; very variable, from linear, linear-lanceolate, narrowly oblong to oblong-spathulate; entire; pointed or truncated and mucronate. Bracts similar to the leaves but with a wider base; bracteoles lanceolate to ovate, up to 9 mm long. Inflorescence with 3 to 5 primary rays, further divided into 2 rays up to 5 times. Floral glands yellow or purplish, oval, with long, fine horns. Fruit capsules rounded, up to 1.5 mm across, with 3 clearly marked, smooth segments. Seeds oblong, grey or pale brown, with whitish tubercles.
Local: Rare in Gibraltar. Found in the Lower Slopes and scattered places elsewhere.
Global: Found throughout Europe, north Africa, west Asia and the Canary Islands.
Flowers between March, April and May (June).
Grows in fields and open ground; waysides.