Euphorbia serpens Kunth
A hairless, much-branched, spreading, prostrate annual, with stems up to 20cm long, which root at the nodes when the stems come in contact with the ground. Leaves opposite, with triangular stipules about 0.5mm long, ovate to almost rounded, up to 5mm long, entire, emarginate, codate at the base; petioles up to 1mm long. Flowers tiny, with four kidney-shaped purple glands, which have white to pink lobed appendages that are wider and longer than the glands. Capsule smooth and hairless, up to 1.8mm long, with 3 clearly marked segments. Seeds pale brown to gray, about 1mm long; quadrangular; smooth.
Local: Rare in Gibraltar. Found in the Camp Bay area.
Global: A native of South America, it is found on most continents as an introduced species.
Flowers from (September) October, November to December.
Grows on disturbed ground, waste ground, and as a weed in cultivated areas.