Dorycnium rectum (L.) Ser.
Diagnostic description:
A herbaceous perennial, or shrublet, with stems up to 1.50 m long. Stems covered with adpressed hairs. Leaves imparipinnate; leaf axis 5 to 10 mm long; leaflets obovate, 2 to 4 cm long, with adpressed hairs beneath. Flowers white or pink with dark purple keel; 5 to 7 mm long; in dense clusters of 20 to 40. Calyx hairy, 4 to 7 mm long, with equal teeth. Seed pods 8 to 15 mm long, much longer than the calyx; valves twisting on dehiscence.
Local:Rare in Gibraltar. Found near the base of the east side talus, by the old Shell depot, and at Willis's Road car park.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region.
Flowers between April, May, June and July.
Grows on damp ground, in ditches and by streams.