Trifolium angustifolium L.
A tomentose annual. Stems erect or ascending, simple or branched from the base, 10 to 60 cm long. Leaves trifoliate; the petioles of the upper leaves short, those of the lower leaves up to 7 cm long. Leaflets linear-lanceolate, entire, 15 to 80 mm long, 2 to 4 mm broad. Stipules long-pointed. Inflorescence many-flowered, terminal, cylindrical, narrowly ovoid or conical, 2 to 10 cm long; peduncles 1 to 6 cm long. Flowers sessile, 10 to 13 mm long, pink, as long as the calyx. Calyx 10-veined, hairy; teeth finely-hairy, unequal, the lower one longer than the rest, spreading out like a star in fruit.
Local: Rare in Gibraltar. Found mainly on Windmill Hill Flats, with scattered specimens elsewhere. Also found on imported soil.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region and in the Canary Islands.
Flowers from (March) April, May to June (July).
Grows on garigue, waste ground and on fields.