Trifolium repens L.
A hairless or almost hairless perennial, which can form extensive mats. Stems decumbent, between 15 and 45 cm long; rooting at the nodes. Leaves trifoliate; petioles up to 30 cm long. Leaflets ovate or obovate, finely toothed, 1 to 4 cm long; usually with white markings on the upper part. Stipules large and papery, long-pointed, fused at the base. Inflorescence axillary, spherical, 1.5 to 4 cm across, many-flowered; peduncles longer than the leaves, up to 30 cm long. Flowers 8 to 13 mm long, scented, white or pinkish, longer than the calyx; turning brownish when in fruit. Pedicel as long as the calyx tube, curving downwards when in fruit. Calyx green, 10-veined, with unequal teeth, the upper ones as long as the calyx, the lower ones shorter.
Local: Very rare on the Rock. Introduced with imported soil in cultivated plots.
Global: Found throughout Europe, north-west Africa, south-west Asia and north America.
Flowers from March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November to December.
Grows on cultivated, fallow fields and waysides.