Medicago tornata (L.) Mill.
A pubescent annual. Stems decumbent; 10 to 50 cm long. Leaves trifoliate; leaflets 5 to 20 mm long, obovate to more or less rhombic, toothed at the apex. Stipules toothed, sometimes deeply toothed. Flowers yellow, 5 to 6 mm long; in clusters of 4 to 8. Pedicels 15 to 50 mm long, awned. Seed pods hairless, disc-shaped, 5 to 8 mm diameter; spirally and tightly coiled with 3 to 6 turns; middle coils have a greater diameter than the end ones. Without spines or with conical spines up to 3 mm long, spreading radially.
Local: Not common in Gibraltar. Found in scattered places on the Upper Rock and as a weed in cultivated areas, especially in Alameda Gardens.
Global: Found along the western Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands.
Flowers from March to April (May).
Grows in cultivated places and along waysides.