Vicia sativa L. subsp cordata (Hoppe) Batt.
Diagnostic description:
A spreading or climbing annual from 20 to 70 cm. Leaves paripinnate with between 3 and 8 pairs of leaflets and with branched tendrils at the ends. Leaflets 7 to 25 mm long, oblong, elliptical or obovate; mucronate; sometimes emarginate. Flowers 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, purplish-pink sometimes with darker wings; usually solitary or in groups of 2 to 3. Seed pods from 3.5 to 5 cm long, usually hairless.
Local:Common in Gibraltar. Found mainly at North Front, Windmill Hill Flats, parts of the Upper Rock, and as a weed in gardens.
Global: Found throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region.
Flowers between March, April and May (June).