Iberis gibraltarica L.
A robust, woody-based, branched perennial, to 40 cm. Lower leaves oblong-spathulate, up to 4 cm long, lobed or toothed. The upper ones linear elliptic, wavy-lobed, about 2 cm long. Flowers in broad, flat-topped clusters up to 8 cm across. Petals 4, of unequal size, the outer ones longer than the inner ones; from almost white to purplish-pink. Silicula rounded, about 1 cm across, with triangular apical lobes.
Local: Common and widespread throughout the Upper Rock and southern parts, especially the upper parts, and on the cliff face from the north face of the Rock all along the east side to Europa Point area.
Global: A native of north Africa, Gibraltar is the only European station for this species.
Flowers between March, April and May (June).
Grows on stony ground and in limestone crevices.