Cardamine hirsuta L.
Diagnostic description:
An erect annual. Stem from 5 cm to 20 cm tall; glabrous or sparsely hairy. Basal leaves pinnate with between 3 and 9 rounded segments; forming a rosette. The upper leaves smaller, with fewer lobes. Inflorescence a raceme of up to 30 flowers. Flowers white, petals 4, about 3 mm long. Siliqua about 2 cm long and 1 mm wide; the upper ones erect, overtopping the flowers.
Local:Common in Gibraltar. Mainly found along roadsides and footpaths in parts of the Upper Rock.
Global: Found throughout Europe.
Flowers from (December) January, February, March to April (May).
Grows where the soil is damp, along scrub margins, waysides, stream margins and gardens.