Fumaria sepium Boiss. & Reut.
Diagnostic description:
A branched, glaucous annual. Stems decumbent up to 1 m long. Leaves 2 to 4-pinnatisect; often with tendrils. Segments oblong, from 1 to 8 mm long. Inflorescence a raceme of up to 15 flowers; shorter or as long as the peduncle. Flowers white to purplish-pink, with a red tint near the dark purple tip; sepals up to 5 mm long, ovate, entire or very lightly toothed. Fruit pedicels erect. Fruit more or less rounded, smooth.
Local: Common in Gibraltar. Found from North Front, along the East Side, to Europa Point, with scattered plants elsewhere around the Rock.
Global: Found in south-west Iberian peninsula and north-west Africa.
Flowers between March, April and May (June).
Grows in areas near the coast.