Silene gallica L.
Diagnostic description:
An erect, sticky-haired annual. Stems simple or branched from the base; from 10 to 40 cm tall. Upper leaves linear-lanceolate; lower ones spathulate to oblanceolate; mucronate. Inflorescence a monochasium, generally one-sided. Flowers 6 to 10 mm across. Petals 5, rounded or shallowly-notched; white or pink. Calyx up to 1 cm long; 10-veined. Capsule conical, about 7 mm long.
Local: Rare in Gibraltar. Found along Mediterranean Steps, and on the range at Windmill Hill; also as a weed in cultivated plots, including Alameda Gardens.
Global: Found throughout Europe.
Flowers from March, April, May to June (August).
Grows on open ground, fields and waysides.