Silene nocturna L.
Diagnostic description:
A finely glandular-hairy annual. Stems erect, simple or more usually branched, up to 25 cm tall. Leaves spathulate to linear-lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, finely hairy. Inflorescence a monochasium; the upper flowers sessile, the lower ones on pedicels up to 1.5 cm long. Petals are usually absent, but when present the flowers are pink, 5 to 8 mm across; petals bifid. Calyx up to 12 mm long, 10-veined. Capsule about 9 mm long.
Local: Very common in Gibraltar. Found throughout the Upper Rock, North Front and southern parts. Sometimes found on waste ground in the town area. town area.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region.
Flowers from (March) April, May to June.
Grows along waysides and on waste ground.