Spergularia fimbriata Boiss. & Reut.
Diagnostic description:
A woody-based, spreading perennial. Stems up to 30 cm long, glandular-hairy, erect or decumbent. Leaves from 5 to 30 mm long, linear, fleshy, long-awned; in dense clusters. Stipules silvery, from 6 to 10 mm long, long pointed. Inflorescence a monochasium. Flowers about 1 cm across, 5-petalled; violet-pink. Pedicels about 1 cm long, glandular hairy. Sepals about as long as the petals. Seeds just under 1 mm across, black, with a broad, silvery, fringed wing.
Local: Very rare in Gibraltar. Found around Halfway Battery.
Global: Found in southern Iberian peninsula and north-western Africa.
Flowers from March, April, May, June, July to August.
Grows on coastal sands and rocks.