Disphyma crassifolium (L.) L.Bolus
A woody, trailing perennial, forming dense mats. Stems up to 1 metre long. Leaves bright green, linear, narrowing to a point, triangular in section, fleshy; between 1 and 6 cm long, but usually from 3 to 4 cm long; 6 to 8 mm wide. Flowers up to 4.5 cm across, with numerous, very narrow, violet-pink petals about 1.5 mm wide. Anthers pale yellow. Peduncles about 2.5 cm long. Calyx with 5 lobes, the two lateral ones longer than the others, up to 1 cm long, fleshy; the others up to 7 mm long, with reddish-brown papery margins, fleshy mainly at the tips.
Local: Common in Gibraltar. Introduced and naturalised around Europa Point
Global: Native to South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Flowers from (April) May to June.
Grows on cliffs around the coast.