Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.
An erect, almost hairless biennial. Stems branched; to 1.5 m tall. Leaves oblong, shiny dark green netted and veined in white; pinnatifid, lobes spiny triangular, margins wavy; base of upper leaves clasping the stem. Overwintering rosette up to 80 cm across. Flower solitary, reddish-purple; ray florets absent. Florets about 3 cm long. Involucre about 4.5 cm across, with many rows of stiff, sharp-pointed spreading or recurved bracts, 2 to 5 cm long. Achenes black, up to 7 mm long, with a pappus of rough hairs 15 to 18 mm long.
Local: Rare in Gibraltar. Usually found growing on waste ground around Gibraltar.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region
Flowers from (April) May to June.
Grows on waste ground, waysides and uncultivated places.