Tolpis barbata (L.) Gaertn.
An annual. Stems generally branched, 10 to 60 cm long. Leaves mainly basal, oblanceolate, toothed or lobed, rarely pinnatifid. Flower heads 1.5 to 3 cm across; solitary or in the axils of widely diverging branches; peduncles usually swollen at the top. Only ray florets present; the outer ones yellow, the inner ones dark brown or reddish purple. Anthers purplish. Involucre with many rows of bracts. Bracts thread-like, spreading; the outer ones incurved, up to 2 cm long; the inner ones under 1 cm long. Achenes just under 2 mm long, the inner ones with two bristles about 5 mm long.
Local: Rare in Gibraltar. Usually found as a weed in cultivated plots; often introduced on imported soil.
Global: Found throughout most of the Mediterranean region.
Flowers from April, May to June.
Grows on uncultivated ground, sandy soil.