Sonchus bulbosus (L.) N.Kilian & Greuter
A root perennial, with long fibres ending in rounded tubercles. Leaves generally all basal, entire, toothed; oblong-lanceolate, narrowed to long petioles; sometimes tinged with red. Flower head solitary, yellow, 2 to 2.5 cm across, at the ends of scapes up to 30 cm tall; upper parts of scapes with black glandular hairs. Only ray florets present; the outer ones often tinged reddish on the underside. Involucre about 1.5 cm long, with many rows of bracts. Bracts lanceolate, with black glandular hairs. Achenes up to 5 mm long, with a pappus of simple hairs up to 1 cm long.
Local: Fairly common in Gibraltar. Found mainly on the East Side sand slopes and North Front, but also widespread, though scattered, on the Upper Rock.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region.
Flowers from (March) April to (May).
Grows on coastal habitats, sandy soil, clearings.