Lactuca tenerrima Pourr.
A much branched, woody based herbaceous perennial, to 50 cm. Stems hairy, especially in the lower parts. Leaves mainly basal, greyish-green, pinnatisect, the upper ones with sagittate base. Lobes with toothed margins. Flower heads pale blue to lilac, about 2 cm across, in a corymbose cluster. Only ray florets present. Involucre about 1.5 cm long, narrow, with a few rows of bracts. Achenes black, about 4mm long, with slender beak and a pappus of yellowish rough hairs about 7 mm long.
Local: Common and widespread throughout the Upper Rock. Scattered plants also found in other places, including the town area.
Global: Found in south-west Europe and north-west Africa.
Flowers from (April) May, June, July, August to September (November).
Grows in clearings, waysides and on old walls.