Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr.
Diagnostic description:
A nearly hairless annual. Stems erect, simple or branching, 20 to 90 cm tall. Leaves toothed, lobed or pinnatifid; the stem leaves amplexicaul, with pointed basal lobes. Flower heads yellow, 1 to 1.5 cm across, in a branching corymb. Only ray florets present; the outer florets with a purplish band on the underside. Involucre 5 to 8 mm long, with two rows of adpressed bracts. Achenes 1 to 2 mm long, with 10 smooth ribs, without beak; pappus of rough hairs about 4 mm long.
Local: Not Common in Gibraltar. Found mainly at North Front Cemetery, but scattered individual plants elsewhere.
Global: Found throughout Europe and north Africa.
Flowers from March, April, May to June (September).
Grows on waste ground, waysides, walls, grassy places.