Chondrilla juncea L.
Diagnostic description:
An erect, soft-hairy, greyish-looking biennial or perennial. Stems simple or branching from the base. Leaves oblanceolate to linear, entire, toothed or lobed; densely soft hairy. Flower heads 2 to 3 cm across, pale yellow, in a dense, flat-topped terminal corymb. Only ray florets present. Involucre about 1cm long, with 2 to 3 rows of woolly-haired bracts. Achenes about 1 mm long, with a pappus of feathery hairs about 5 mm long.
Local: Very rare in Gibraltar. Found on the East Side sand slopes, and North Front Estate
Global: Found along Mediterranean Europe and Portugal.
Flowers from (April) May, June to July (September).
Grows in clearings and waysides.