Bellis sylvestris Cirillo
Diagnostic description:
A pubescent perennial. Leaves all basal, to 20 cm long, 3-veined, forming a rosette, oblong-lanceolate to spathulate. Flower heads 3 to 4 cm across. Ray florets 6 to 12 mm long, white, sometimes tinged purple underneath. Disc florets yellow, 2 to 3 mm long. Involucre about 1 cm long, with 2 to 3 rows of bracts. Scapes up to 30 cm long. Achenes about 1.5 mm long, without pappus, or with a ring of small scales.
Local:Very rare in Gibraltar. Found in clearings along Mediterranean Steps and Douglas Path.
Global: The Mediterranean region, southern Europe and the Iberian peninsula.
Flowers between (December) January, February and March (April).