Cyperus longus L. [1724]
Diagnostic description:
A rhizomatose perennial. Stems solitary, smooth, triangular, 20 to 150 cm long. Leaves linear, flat, 2 to 8 mm wide. Inflorescence umbel-like, with 8 to 12 unequal rays, and with 3 to 6 very unequal bracts, with the outer ones very long, much longer than the inflorescence. Spikelets 5 to 20 mm long; linear to oblong; with 5 to 25 florets. Glumes pale reddish-brown, 3 to 4 mm long; ovate.
Local:Very rare in Gibraltar. Usually found as a weed in cultivated plots, but also on Windmill Hill Flats.
Global: Found throughout the Mediterranean region, and parts of Asia and Africa.
Flowers from (April) May, June, July to August (September).
Grows in damp places; near rivers and streams.