Acis autumnalis (L.) Sweet
Diagnostic description:
A bulbous perennial with a bulb 1 to 2 cm across. Leaves narrow, linear to 10 cm long, appearing towards the end of, or after flowering. Stems 1 to 3, up to 15 cm tall. Flowers pendulous, white with a pinkish base, in umbels of up to 3. Perianth segments 6, about 1 cm long, with toothed ends. Capsule 2.5 to 4.5 mm across.
Local: Locally common but restricted to northern parts of the Upper Rock, especially the Willis’s area, the Lower Slopes and Bruce’s Farm.
Global: Found in the Iberian peninsula and north Africa.
Flowers between September, October and November.
Found on rocky outcrops in clearings and waysides.