Erodium chium (Burm.f.) Willd.
Diagnostic description:
An erect or ascending, hairy annual or biennial. Stems up to 70 cm long. Leaves 1 to 7 cm long, ovate, pinnatifid with 3 to 5 shallow, toothed lobes. Flowers pink to violet, from 1 to 1.8 cm across, in umbels of 5 to 8 flowers. Petals have a wrinkled appearance. Awns of fruit between 3 and 4 cm long. Fruits 3 to 4 mm long, hairy; pits with or without glands, without a furrow below.
Local: Very common and widespread throughout Gibraltar.
Global: Found in the Mediterranean region, Portugal and the Canary Islands.
Flowers between (December) February, March, April and May (June).
Grows in clearings, waysides and waste ground.